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Dr. Gold



Dr.Gold Healthcare is the center of excellence in Metabolic health & wellness with core philosophy being a conglomeration of innovation in modern medicine with traditional wisdom.Our centers are in Coimbatore , Gobi , Erode & Tirupur and is currently expanding its service in Franchise model to serve larger sector of the population.

Our entire population in the last 50 years is suffering from the silent pandemic of Non-communicable Diseases ( NCDs) viz Diabetes, Hypertension, Hypercholesterolemia, Fatty liver, Obesity , Heart disease , Gout , PCOD , Infertility, Cancer and Dementia. In Conventional medicine , all these disorders are diagnosed very very late in its natural course ; managed symptomatically and superficially with lifelong drugs to be dealt with complications over long-term. The law of medicine says ' Epidemics of a disease last only as long as the disease is not well understood and hence no prevention and treatment strategies could be developed'. The roots of these chronic disorders are never addressed ; the very reason why we are managing the easily curable disorders with drugs for all these metabolic disorders , lifelong , claiming them chronic & Irreversible !!!. There is a way to cure all these metabolic disorders.We need a paradigm shift in the treatment approach of Modern Medicine from control and palliation towards Cure & Prevention.

5000+ successful reversals


Best Innovation Award of the year 2018 for a Novel technique of Repair of Inguinal Hernia during the 78th Annual Conference of Association of Surgeons of India ( Chennai , ASICON - 2018 )


We support Organic farming & revival of all traditional grains for the welfare of humanity!! "Farmers are the linchpin of the world For they support all others who cannot till."


Wellness retreat at your comfort in a resort !!! Lifetime opportunity to spend three days with experts, get empowered with knowledge and enrich your life. Disease Reversal Program @ Serene Meadows , Coimbatore. The integrated holistic program includes Scientific lecture series, Unique recipes and demonstration of cooking methods, Wellness protocols, Live Yoga and Fitness sessions with the experts to reverse your Diabetes / Hypertension/ Heart disease / Fatty liver / Obesity/ PCOD and most other chronic ailments in a natural & most scientific way. Following the program, we provide continuous Whatsapp support for 3 months with online consultation till complete reversal of the Chronic ailments.

Happiness through Generations


"Lead a disease free, drug free life"

Thangadurai R. R M.S, FACS, FICS, FAIS, FMAS, FIAGES, FALS is the founder of Dr.GOLD HEALTHCARE , India's No.1 Metabolic Health Center with epicenter in Coimbatore and others in Gobi , Erode & Tirupur. He is a consultant laparoscopic surgeon having done his under graduation and post graduation in Madras Medical College, Tamil Nadu, India. Recently he received “the Best Surgical Innovation award” for the year 2018 in National conference, Chennai, India. for his work in the Hernia repair without using mesh for Inguinal hernia. He has had the privilege to give primary care to the semi-urban population in his hometown for 10 years, in addition to his surgical curriculum. This is the major turn around in his career when he found out the healing power of mother nature that provision of optimal nourishment and avoiding toxic ultra processed food & environment enriches life and restores health. Karl popper said ‘knowledge moves forward not by repeating the known facts but by refuting the false dogmas’.


I literally stopped the reflexive behavior of prescribing drugs; reasoned and started questioning everything to myself in understanding the pathophysiology of chronic diseases like diabetes, hypertension & heart disease . After years of intensive research, we decoded the common denominator for metabolic syndrome and found a way to reverse those conditions in a holistic way. It is perhaps a hard time to unlearn & relearn but it was the only hope to move modern medicine forward. Understanding the ancient civilization, their culture & food habits paved the way to understand the ancient wisdom in a scientific way.

He is an expert researcher in reversing all the chronic conditions like Diabetes, hypertension, Obesity, Heart disease, Fatty Liver disease, Gastrointestinal disorders, PCOD, Infertility, Gout Autoimmune disorders and drastic improvement in Cancer & Dementia without using any pills or drugs. He has already helped thousands of patients to get cured of their chronic illness and off the drugs using Holistic Innovative Modern Medicine .Through research and cutting edge of science along with ancient wisdom we are now solving the riddle of chronic health crisis from Autism to Alzheimer's. This is a renaissance in modern medicine and will be Future of Medicine.

His current interest is in the field of longevity as well. He has completed training in Pranic healing – both basic & advanced. A spiritual seeker by nature with keen interests in Quantum physics and Energy healing. Integrating modern medicine with the cutting edge of science and ancient wisdom is the uniqueness of our protocol.