

By the advent of science and modern medicine , we are able to get rid of suffering from Infectious diseases easily which were once deadly before the pre-antibiotic era and the practice of hygienic measures.

Unfortunately in the last 5 decades, we have the entire generation shifting towards the Non-communicable diseases like Diabetes , Hypertension, Obesity , Fatty liver , Cholesterol and Heart disease , PCOS and Infertility, Gout & Dementia .This cluster of disorders is what we call " the Plagues of Prosperity"

Modern Medicine is the wheelhouse of acute emergencies, trauma care as well as surgical care. NCDs are managed symptomatically with drugs to keep parameters within normal limits using reductionist science like using drugs and insulin to lower high blood sugars in Diabetes , antihypertensive drugs to lower high BP in Hypertension essentially paralyzing the biological system , Statins & PCSK9 inhibitors to lower cholesterol and using Stents & Surgical bypass for heart disease , Pills for PCOS and IVF for Infertility. Simply addressing the symptoms never addresses the roots of the disorders , the very reason why our entire generation suffers!!!

"The veryfirst step of finding a solution is to define the problem"

All these disorders can be potentially reversible and completely preventable if the root causes are addressed properly

The single most common disorder of our present generation which is often undiagnosed and mistreated is Insulin resistance/Hyperinsulinemia.

Most of the NCDs and their complications are due to "Insulin Toxicity" of our biological systems which occurs 10-20 years before the disease is diagnosed. We are missing this golden period of Pre-prediabetes because we are once looking at our glucose numbers & not measuring Insulin in the first place and unaware of the signs and symptoms of Insulin Resistance. Unfortunately , pre-prediabetes can manifest as Hypercholesterolemia ,Hypertension, Gout , Infertility and Heart disease !!! Fasting Insulin level is the most important predictor of Metabolic syndrome.

Many more disorders which are often tagged as idiopathic or disease of unknown origin are caused by Insulin resistance and high insulin levels


Insulin Resistance



  • Diabetes
  • Hypertension
  • Cholesterol
  • Heart disease
  • Obesity
  • Fatty Liver
  • Gout, OSA
  • PCOD, Infertility
  • Dementia
  • Cancer

A-Z of Insulin Resistance

Alzheimers , Anxiety , Age related macular …

degeneration, Atherosclerosis

BP & Bipolar

Cholesterol issues,

Cancer - Breast, Ovary, Liver , Pancreas ,

Kidney, Bladder , Prostate & Colon ,

Cataract , Cardiomyopathy,

Diabetes , Depression, DVT

Erectile Dysfunction

Fatty Liver

Gout , Glaucoma , GERD & problems related to Gallbladder

Heart disease & Hypoventilation syndrome

Infertility , Immune dysfunction , Chronic

-inflammation & Idiopathic intracranial hypertension. Joint - Charcots

Kidney Disease ( Chronic )

Leptin Resistance

Meniere's disease , Migraine


Obesity , Osteoarthritis

PCOD , Periodontitis & Procoagulant state

QT prolongation


Sleep apnea, Strokes , Sarcopenia

Thyroid disorder , Tinnitus , Low Testosterone

Urinary frequency , UTI

Venous stasis , Vitiligo , Vertigo

Wound healing -poor

X - syndrome

Yeast infection

Z - High Triglycerides &



There are eight cellular and subcellular pathologies that underlie the chronic diseases viz.,

  • 1. Mitochondrial dysfunction
  • 5. Oxidative stress
  • 2. Insulin resistance & Inflammation
  • 6. Glycation
  • 3. Cell Membrane instability
  • 7. Epigenetics
  • 4. Methylation
  • 8. Autophagy

" All these disorders are not druggable but foodable."

No drug can affect these disease pathologies and hence cannot reverse the metabolic disorders and chronic diseases !!!

We need to move away from ultra processed foods ( High Insulin diet ) causing illness to Real foods which are low in sugars and high in fibers ( Low insulin diet ) , the very foundation for wellness.
