

One is having no signs and symptoms of a disease with normal parameters without us if any drugs

It mainly depends on metabolic status.

We have Success rate as follows

Hypertension > 90 %

Fatty liver > 90 %

PCOS near 100 %

Cholesterol > 90 %

Diabetes > 80 %

Heart attacks & Strokes - Vary

Everything is based on Latest research articles with the cutting edge of science. Our approach is Evidence-based Clinical practice.

We will titrate the biological response in such a way that the drugs could be gradually weaned off completely in a few weeks to a few months. You can lead a drug free, disease free life

Since we are combining innovation in modern medicine with traditional wisdom,there are no side effects in this treatment.Perhaps you are deemed to get so many side benefits of improving the overall metabolic fitness and health status.

Just think about the cost of drugs and complications if you are suffering lifelong. What we charge is just a meager compared to the cost you spend on sickness care.

This is what we call Re-reversal of disease.This could happen only if you deviate from our simple & sustainable protocol which thousands of people are following and live without any disease.

We don't have any magical pills for curing Chronic disease. We provide an excellent environment for your body to recover fast and let Internal Healing happen without using any drug.

We don't recommend supplementation routinely. We do suggest supplements only when it is needed that took for not more than few months

It depends mainly on the current metabolic status and the adherence to our protocols.It can happen in a few weeks to few months time, mostly a life changing transformation in 3 months time.

Our protocol is so unique that people all over the world are benefited. The food chart is highly individualised in such that it takes into account - local and seasonal availability

Yes absolutely. We provide the right knowledge that you can become your own Nutritionist. We do teach healthy dine out sessions

No, Old age people also can achieve very good results. Age is just a number !!!

100 % of the time , we can reduce the medication to 1-2 drugs per day & 80-90% of the tune, we can completely reverse disease pathology so that you can lead a disease free & drug free life.

These are lifestyle diseases, more than 95% , which are unrelated to genes. Genetics and Inheritance can contribute up to ONLY 2 % of these chronic diseases.