

Autoimmune disorders (“horror autotoxicus”) are the most challenging conditions to any physician. It is mostly preceded by chronic emotional stress which weakens the gut by the reduced blood supply and lowering stomach acid and enzyme secretion for digestion.

Leaky gut or increased gut permeability is the prerequisite for most of the autoimmune conditions triggered by stress, gluten, ultra-processed foods, some viral infections, nutritional deficiencies, toxic food additives and heavy metal toxicity.

How do we deal in Conventional medicine ?

Steroids and Immunosuppressives provide symptomatic relief but are associated with long-term side effects.

Are we really doing it right ?

Unless the roots of the disorders are addressed, it’s a vicious cycle of relapse and remission & it tends to be a life-long condition...

How can we treat autoimmune conditions ideally ?

  • Gut is the seat of health. Ensuring complete resolution of leaky gut, correcting dysbiosis, eliminating toxic heavy metal are some of the essential components.
  • Nutrient dense diet, Exercise and Movement, Resilience and Vitality, Stress reduction are the key areas of our protocol.