
Dyslipidemia ( Hypercholesterolemia)

What is " the scam of the century"?

The most misinformed scare mongering fabricated science done by the food and drug industry in the scientific literature is the "Cholesterol ".

What is " Diet - Heart hypothesis " ?

Saturated fat increases Cholesterol and Cholesterol is linked with Heart disease.

What does an abnormal lipid profile tell you ?

No it's a myth !!! The causative factor are as follows:

  • Alcohol
  • It is a marker of Insulin Resistance. It is a bystander of poor lipid intake by insulin resistant cells and excessive lipid synthesis ( denovo lipogenesis ) in the liver driven by excess sugars , refined carbohydrates and high insulin levels.
  • Refined oils like PUFA causes inflammation in the liver ( Steatohepatitis )
Are good or bad cholesterol still relevant?
  • It is highly irrelevant to call HDL a good guy and LDL-C as a bad guy!!
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How to make sense out of the Cholesterol test ?

  • Dyslipidemia is defined by two main indicators
  1. TG / HDL more than 1.5
  2. VLDL more than 15

Is cholesterol harmful to us ?

  • Cholesterol is absolutely essential for hormone synthesis - adrenal hormones and sex hormones , lipid energy metabolism , cell repair, carrier of antioxidants like vit E , Quorum sensing ( Immunity ), cell membrane fluidity and cellular receptor function.

What happens if we take cholesterol lowering drugs? We age faster !!

  • Statins & PCSK inhibitors the commonly used drugs to decrease the LDL- Cholesterol can impair important cellular and biological functions viz., increased incidence of Diabetes , impaired Myocardial function , Brain fog & Memory loss , Poor immunity, accelerated aging , Myopathy.

How to increase HDL & lower Triglycerides?

  • Exercise and Niacinamide supplementation offer some help.
  • The most effective way is by improving the Insulin Resistance