" No Beauty Shines Brighter than a Healthy Heart "


Heart disease

The Superman of the cardiovascular system ?

Natural magic molecule called ‘Nitric Oxide'.It is one of the most significant discoveries in medicine

Is cholesterol the cause for heart disease ?

No ,Cholesterol is involved in the repair of damaged endothelial cells and acts as a bandaid

What else really causes heart disease ?

  • Insulin Resistance causes Ectopic fat deposition in the heart, incites inflammatory damage to the vessel wall and initiates the atherosclerotic process.
  • Lp(a) comes to the site of inflammation for repair - Cholesterol rescue
  • Reduced Nitric oxide production by endothelial cells due to the Insulin resistance, causes Progression of the plaque
  • Rupture of the vulnerable plaque causes thrombus formation very quickly particularly in the Procoagulant circulatory state by Insulin resistance, thereby blocking the blood vessels supplying the heart and thence "Heart attack"

Scams , scams & more scams with fabricated science ?

  • Cholesterol and saturated fats have been wrongly demonized as the causative factor for heart disease by the fabricated work of the Food industry (sugars) & Big Pharma ( statins).
  • Cholesterol is just a reflection and constant association with deranged metabolism which is primarily due to Insulin resistance secondary to consumption of ultra processed foods

How is heart disease treated worldwide ?

  • Stents , Surgical bypass and Statins are just palliative measures
  • Multiple drugs lifelong
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Can we reverse heart disease naturally ?

  • Green leafy vegetables and beetroot can increase nitric oxide production naturally
  • Adequate sun exposure is a must for sulfation of cholesterol and to energize the circulatory system
  • Reversing Insulin resistance and hyperinsulinemia can augment nitric oxide production by endothelial cells lining the blood vessels.