

  • The most common cause of infertility ?

    • Erectile dysfunction (ED) and poor sperm quality in males
    • PCOS in females.
  • How do we treat infertility in conventional science ?

    • Hormonal pills, Ovulation induction drugs, assisted reproduction techniques (ART) like IVF(In Vitro Fertilization ) and IUI (Intra Uterine Insemination). These procedures are associated with a lot of side effects and high failure rates.
  • What could be the ideal approach in infertile couples ?

    • The most common denominator in PCOS and ED is Insulin resistance(IR). Even the subfertility in women and recurrent miscarriages are attributed to IR. Hence addressing the insulin resistance could be the first step in infertility, teaching them the fertile window. Hormonal issues like thyroid disorders should be corrected.