


It is type 3 Diabetes - Insulin resistance in the brain causing glucose hypometabolism particularly in the hippocampus, center for memory

A slow decline in memory, thinking and reasoning skills. Dementia ( memory loss ) is often life curtailing.


It is due to neurodegeneration of the brain affecting the body balance and locomotion.

Tremors , Slowness of movement, Soft and slurred speech, mask like face with reduced expressions , difficulty in standing and balancing .



It is particularly rampant in the last 2-3 decades, much more prevalent in the western countries. The sad story is that we are following the same trend as westernized societies.

Developmental disorder is neither idiopathic nor genetic , but the result of a poor environment in the form of micronutrient deficiencies , toxic exposure of the gut to ultra processed foods , poor lifestyle like little sunlight exposure & lack of grounding to our mother earth. All these lead to Impaired capacity to detox particularly sulfation which may then predisposes to Autism spectrum disorders when exposed to aluminum and mercury in Vaccines ,Insecticides , pesticides like Glyphosate,poor lifestyle like little sunlight exposure and lack of grounding to our mother earth.

All the behavioral therapies have a limited success of achieving improvement upto 30 % since the roots of the illness are never addressed and Autism cripples life.

Comprehensive protocols addressing the biochemical pathology can reverse this neurological developmental disorder and help children to lead a normal life.