

Around 40 % of our population is overweight or Obese due to consumption of Ultraproceesed foods

Is Obesity all about weight ?

  • No , It's all about excess Body fat. Body weight or BMI ( Body Mass Index ) is not a good indicator of metabolic health.
  • Genes contribute to less than 10 % of Obesity in the population , that too in the subcutaneous fat and nothing to do with the visceral adiposity. The genetic predisposition to gain weight is in accordance with your body phenotype and the rate of metabolism whether you are Ectomorph , Mesomorph or Endomorph
  • But in this modern era , Obesity ( mostly visceral ) is often driven by environmental factors particularly Ultra Processed foods and sedentarism.

Is Obesity a result of behavioral irresponsibility ( gluttony and sloth) ?

It is not due to Calorie imbalance ( eat more ; move less ) but it's a hormonal imbalance particularly hyperinsulinemia which signals energy storage ( Fat storage ) all the time and slows down the metabolism .

What causes Obesity ?

High Fructose consumption ( refined sugars & HFCS ) causes high Insulin levels and Leptin resistance in the brain.It produces overconsumption of foods and slowing down of metabolism finally driving metabolic syndrome


Why Obesity is still a problem ?

  • "Calorie is a Calorie" is the greatest scam of the Era, propagated by the Big Food industry fabricating science to their financial advantage.
  • Most of the Healthcare apps and sensors are based on counting calories !!!
  • Very low Calorie diets and 'Yo-Yo' dieting slow down your metabolism & is unsustainable long term.
  • Low carb diets like keto and Paleo do help in weight loss but are largely irrelevant to our Indian subpopulation and unsustainable long-term.
  • Bariatric surgeries are associated with increased risk of morbidity and mortality and long term nutritional deficiencies necessitating lifelong supplementation of micronutrients may not be an easy option

How is our approach different from the rest?

  • Switch from high insulin diet of Ultra -Processed foods to low insulin diet of unprocessed & minimally processed foods.
  • Intermittent fasting helps in reducing excess fat at a faster rate..
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