

Is PCOD a disease of “missed periods, simple acne & facial hairs ” ?

Of course not !!

The hormonal imbalance can affect the entire spectrum of reproductive age groups

Why is the management of PCOD so confusing in conventional medicine ?

  1. Multifactorial etiologies are implicated
    • Dysfunction of hypothalamus
    • Ovarian pathology
    • Genetics
  2. Failure to associate with insulin resistance as the primary pathology !!

What are the complications of PCOS ?

  • Early menarche (endocrine disruptors , obesity) coupled with PCOD & late marriages leads to Infertility
  • Pregnancy complications - Miscarriage , HT, Pre-eclampsia, GDM
  • Fetal concerns - SGA/LGA,NICU morbidity/morality , Metabolic syndrome
  • Metabolic syndrome
  • Estrogen predominance (Anovulatory cycles) - risk of endometrial.Ca

What is the root cause of PCOD ?

Hyperinsulinemia seen in Insulin Resistance causes

  • Altered FSH/LH ratio and hyperandrogenism are secondary to Hyperinsulinemia seen in Insulin Resistance.
  • Low SHBG ( Sex Hormone binding Globulin ) ; free androgens are increased producing symptoms of hyperandrogenism.
  • Thecal hyperplasia causes high androgen levels.

Conventional treatment for PCOS ?

Mainly ,Syndromic management

  • Oral contraceptive pills for irregular menses
  • Lasers for facial hairs
  • Ovulation induction and IVF for Infertility are so superficial in addressing the complications of the disorders never addressing the primary pathology !!!

What could be the right approach to PCOS ?

Reversing Insulin Resistance and high insulin levels can reverse PCOS

Is Seed-cycling beneficial ?

  • Supplementing natural phytoestrogen in the initial 14 days with pumpkin , flax seeds and natural phyto-progesterone in the next 14 days with sesame & sunflower seeds respectively can help balance the hormonal status

Any interesting facts?

  • The menstrual cycle is usually in sync with the moon cycles because the gravitational effect of the moon has a very great effect on development of ovarian follicles.Exposure to moon light often has healing benefits on reproductive health and wellness