
Pre - Prediabetes & Fatty Liver

What is Pre-Prediabetes?

It is synonymous with Insulin resistance in which blood sugar is normal but has high insulin levels.

Is Fatty liver the new normal?

No, Fatty liver is a silent scream of the liver & a harbinger of Insulin Resistance. Seen in at least 50% of the population & in nearly one-third of all the Ultrasound abdomen reports.

Is Fatty liver caused by excess fat ?

No it's a myth !!! The causative factor are as follows:

  • De novo lipogenesis ( DNL : conversion of sugars into fat ) driven by high insulin levels , refined simple carbs and excessive sugars
    ( mainly Fructose ).
  • Refined oils like PUFA causes inflammation in the liver ( Steatohepatitis )

What are the types of Fatty liver disease
( FLD ) ?

  • AFLD ( Alcoholic FLD)
  • NAFLD ( Non-Alcoholic ) - It is due to Sugars
    ( Fructose ) & seen even in children !!!

Why are we missing the Golden period of Pre-prediabetes ( Insulin Resistance ) ?

  • Asymptomatic
  • Fatty liver is easily neglected and falsely reassured as normal

How to prevent metabolic disorders ?

1. Red alarm for the ongoing metabolic dysfunction

  • Measuring Fasting Insulin levels ( >6 )
  • Signs of hyperinsulinemia - acanthosis nigricans , skin tags , acne and rosacea, Hidradenitis suppurativa , male pattern baldness in females

2. Health Optimization
