
The Sweetspot of Diabetes Care

Dr.R.R.Thangadurai M.S,

Jun 13,2024
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Fast Foods @ home , the Unknown !!!

Wonder why at least one in each of our  family members of the entire population is affected by one or a combination of metabolic disorders like Diabetes , Hypertension, Obesity , Fatty liver , Cholesterol, Heart disease , PCOS and Infertility , collectively called " the Plagues of Prosperity ". It has been widely rampant several times in the last 50 years after the introduction of the Green revolution, Industrial farming and globalization of foods. 
Fast foods are literally defined as easy and ready to make in minutes.
Fast foods can be cooked Fast , raise blood sugar very Fast and we end up living Fast to meet the maker in heaven soon !!!!

Ultra Processing of food makes it Toxic !!

 " Most of the foods are inherently healthy but what we have done to the food has made it toxic "
    Ultra Processing of foods - removal of  fibers and addition of excessive sugars made them ultra palatable and addictive. Our system is not designed to sense and assimilate the UFP ( High sugar & Low fiber ) properly because the liver is flooded with a lot of glucose within a short span of time that the pancreas makes a lot of Insulin to keep the blood glucose within normal limits in such situations. High insulin levels & Insulin resistance are the primary drivers of Metabolic disorders.

A Great delusion !!!

             Almost all of us believe " all home cooked foods are healthy " ; an absolute myth that needs to be debunked. Maybe this could have been relevant prior to Industrial farming and the green revolution but certainly not in this present era !!! Hard to believe ? Bitter truth and the ground reality. Almost 75 % of our population is suffering from chronic Non-communicable diseases ( NCDs ) due to poor lifestyle choices. All these metabolic disorders which were largely unknown & mainly affecting the affluent society ( Kings & Queens of the past ), a century ago have become so rampant that it affects even the poorest of the poor sparing no families !!!

Qualities of home cooked foods :

White polished rice is easy to cook in 10 min whereas the traditional organic rice varieties need 30 - 45 min for proper cooking !!! 
Grains contain three layers viz epicarp full of husk and multilayered bran ; endosperm contains only the carbohydrate and germ contains healthy fats and micronutrients.Traditionally we use to hand pound the rice , removing only the husk and few layers of bran. Consuming it in wholesome  form with minimal processing supplies low glycemic Load and necessary nutrients like B-vitamins and minerals ( acting as cofactors of metabolism) packed in them for proper Metabolism.

Removing the fiber from the grains, particularly rice and wheat, increases the shelf life for years whereas the fiber rich unpolished grains cannot be stored for months. The problem arose when "Food became Commodities". Moreover, it is highly incompatible in restaurants to use unpolished rice which cannot be stored for months whereas polished rice and white flours can easily be stored for years !!!! Another problem is deficiency of B-complex vitamins which acts as cofactors in many of the  reactions related to Energy Metabolism &  Methylation pathways. The intake of pulses has gone down drastically after the green revolution because of the monopolization of crops viz , Rice , Wheat , Corn & Soy along with cash crops. We are actually depriving the gut microbiome with a low fiber diet.
Our soil is deprived of nutrients particularly minerals with 5 decades of industrial farming and hence our food supply has micronutrient deficiencies particularly minerals and vitamins & we are treating micronutrient deficiencies with pills !!!


                      Effect of continuous farming on Soil under Organic and Chemical mode 







Organic Matter -14% +29-99%
Total Nitrogen (N2) -7-22% +21-100%
Available Phosphorous (P) 0%+63%
Available Potassium (K) -22 % +14-84% 
Zinc (Z)



Copper (Cu) -4.2-21.3% +9.4%
 Manganese (Mn) -4.2-17.6% +14.5% 
Iron (Fe) -4.3-12% +1 %


      The problem with Wheat is that hybrids were introduced in the green revolution which are responsive to artificial fertilizers and sprayed  with pesticides, Insecticides, herbicides and weedicides. Gluten content in wheat from chemical farming is at least three times higher compared to  organic traditional wild variety. It affects mitochondria slowing down the metabolism, adversely affects gut microbiome and produces gastrointestinal disorders including leaky gut , which predisposes to autoimmune disorders & Metabolic disorders.
      Most of the home cooked foods nowadays are mostly ultra processed and high Insulin diets ( a combination of high refined carbs and refined oils ). The glycemic index, glycemic load and the insulin response of home cooked foods are as comparable to that of foods served in  fast food restaurants.It is not only the fast foods in restaurants that impact our health but the effect of home cooked ultra processed foods is far more higher in producing the metabolic disorders because most of us , use to dine out mostly during the weekends and not on a regular basis in day to day life.

Cholesterol the Scam of the century !!

      Food industry and Big pharma have fabricated scientific research to their economic advantage, demonizing the saturated fats that humans have been using for thousands of years. In the 1960s , Heart disease was rampant in the general population and the government funded a lot of research studies to decode the science and reason behind it. Ancel keys conducted a large scale study  in 22 countries and found no correlation between the expected dietary fat and heart disease. He tricked  the world by eliminating the countries which didn't show a positive correlation. Out of the 22 countries where studies were conducted, only 6 countries showed a positive correlation between dietary fat and heart disease whereas the rest of the countries showed no correlation at all.He published in the research paper that dietary fat is the cause of Heart disease. Following that recommendations and guidelines were given for populations who were scaremongered about saturated fat and Cholesterol. This scaremongering is still prevalent in the public !!! People switched over to eating a lot of refined carbs and excessive sugars and decades passed away.Now Heart disease is the leading cause of mortality worldwide.Largely influenced by the food industry Saturated fats that increase cholesterol and hence they are bad according to the Diet- Heart hypothesis. Even the heart associations are advocating PUFA ( PolyUnsaturated Fatty Acids) as Heart healthy not knowing about the Oxidative damage  they bring to our system. The altered cholesterol numbers are just a reflection of metabolic health status and Insulin Resistance and have nothing to do with intake of saturated fats or cholesterol in diet per se !!! 
          Liver makes cholesterol 2-3 g/day which is absolutely essential for cellular homeostasis- repair and regeneration , synthesis of steroids and sex hormones , membrane fluidity and receptor functions , neuronal health and Quorum sensing for Immunity. LDL-Cholesterol has been wrongly demonized as bad fat and scientific communities are using statins & PCSK9 inhibitors to keep it near zero for reducing the risk of cardiovascular diseases like heart attacks and strokes. The entire population is affected by the scaremongering about the Cholesterol &  cholesterol phobia is very prevalent around the world.

Are PUFA / Refined oils heart healthy ?

      Refined oils are mostly made from Soybean, cottonseed , corn , canola  and tagged as heart healthy vegetable oils !!!  It is high in PUFA ( PolyUnsaturated Fatty Acids) which are more prone for Oxidation.In Fact these oils increase the chances of heart attacks and strokes !!! It is widely used not only in restaurants and commercials but also in most homes as it is much cheaper and looks clearer. Most of us are still unaware of the effects of refined oils in our biological system one is that they are mostly PolyUnsaturated Fatty Acids ( PUFA ) prone to oxidation and produce oxidative damage and free radicals inside our system.To neutralize this excess free radicals, we need more and more antioxidants like Glutathione ( the most important  free radical scavenger) primarily in Liver. It is reflected by elevated liver enzymes ( GGT- Gamma Glutamyl Transferase ) & AST ( Alanine aminotransferase ). Moreover , the Oxidative damage inside the liver causes inflammation ( Steatohepatitis ) and one runs the risk of easily developing Insulin resistance syndrome since the metabolic buffer of PFT ( Personal Fat Threshold ) is bypassed. The so-called " Bucket handle " hypothesis that when subcutaneous fat storage is saturated and overwhelmed, fat spillover occurs and causes Fatty liver and systemic insulin resistance is not very valid to a major portion of the population in this modern era. The metabolic syndrome is most often explained by Main lining Hypothesis that Liver plays a central role in energy homeostasis and Fatty liver is a harbinger of Systemic Insulin Resistance. Liver fat is driven by excess  Fructose ( sugars ) consumption and hyperinsulinemia causing De novo Lipogenesis (DNL) ie., conversion of sugars into fat. One become fat and sick in the past to suffer from metabolic disorders ( before 4-5 decades ) BUT  In the present day modern era, one may not have to become obese and overweight since most of the ultraprocessed foods are  directly hitting the liver and produce Fatty liver and hepatic insulin resistance and thence systemic insulin resistance.

Are Fruits fine 24*7 - 365 days a year ?

          Another important aspect in the food chain is the Hybridization of Fruits in the last 100 years to make it taste like honey & its abundance throughout the year. The natural taste of fruits is Tart !!  as most wild fruits. Fruits towards the end of summer give the animals a survival advantage to eat more and more & store it as fat so as to survive the periods of adversity ( Food scarcity in the winter months ).This is particularly seen in hibernating animals. We are living in a world of surplus and unlikely to suffer droughts or food scarcity. Now we are "Cactus in the Rainforest". The survival advantage has become a Curse !!! Although fruits are natural energy bars loaded with micronutrients and electrolytes it is worthwhile to take locally available seasonal fruits.Hybridized high sugary fruits in large quantities are not fine for someone with metabolic disorders.


Low sugary fruits are fine when consumed in wholesome form. It is often mistaken that fruit juices are fine ; Absolute myth !! The fruits when consumed in wholesome form have both soluble and insoluble fibers with low Glycemic Load and Low Insulin response whereas the juices contain only the soluble fibers with high Glycemic Load and high insulin response. Insoluble fibers form a lattice network in the inner lining of the small intestine whereas soluble fibers form hydrogel over the lattice network  preventing rapid absorption of glucose and fructose into the blood circulation. Since most of the insoluble fibers are removed during Juicing , Sugars flood the liver pretty quickly driving DNL producing Fatty liver. Fruit juices are no different from soda !!

Toxins on our plates !!!

Most of the ingredients  ( grains , vegetables, spices and fruits) used for cooking at home are loaded with pesticides, herbicides, weedicides , Insecticides all of which are Biocides that have its impact on our biological system particularly gut microbiome and mitochondria.Our Mitochondria is derived from bacterial genes by maternal inheritance ( mother's side ) & Our gut microbiome is an integral part of human biology. Biocides inhibit the 'Shikimate' pathway of the microbiome and act as mitochondrial toxins slowing down the metabolism and ultimately produce Insulin Resistance and Metabolic disorders. It affects the integrity of the inner lining of the  gut wall producing Leaky gut and potentially many of the gastrointestinal disorders and Autoimmune disorders.

More & more toxins !!

      Basically the differences that we see between fast food restaurants and home cooked foods is the use of Flavor enhancers ( MSG - Monosodium Glutamate or Ajinomoto which is excitotoxin to the neurons producing neuronal damage) the very reason why we are hooked towards fast foods in restaurants , food additives and preservatives and high fructose corn syrup (HFCS ) and corn flours.
       Hydrogenated fats ( Trans Fats ) are nothing but vegetable oils bombarded with hydrogen to make it solid at room temperature and preferred in most restaurants as they are cheap and easy to handle. But it contains a lot of trans fat in it. It is very new to our body that it cannot metabolize , resulting in Fatty liver and adverse cardiovascular consequences like Heart attacks and Strokes.Although it is banned in most of the developed countries like the European Union and USA , the ban is still waiting to happen in India.Most of the restaurants use this kind of cheap oils for their routine use. The sad story is it is also widely used in cooking at home merely because of its cheap price in the name of vegetable ghee !!!
     Home cooked foods of the modern era are at least 75% as bad as fast foods !!! Little do we know this very basic information and still we are in great delusion that home cooked foods are healthy and continue to suffer from chronic diseases lifelong.

Expand your knowledge in Nutrition

"Your eyes cannot see what you mind does not know " 
What we need the most in alleviating the chronic metabolic disorders like Diabetes , Hypertension, Obesity and Heart disease is Education , enrich your knowledge & empower yourself to lead a disease free drug free life. We need to shift our focus towards Organic foods , reduce our sugar consumption , routine use of unpolished or slightly polished traditional rice and millets by organic farming , and avoid vegetable oils. This could be the only sustainable and scientific  solution to prevent, treat and reverse metabolic disorders from its roots rather than treating them with drugs , lifelong !!!
         We are living in a digital world of misinformation ; fabricated scientific researches and false propaganda of mass media, wondering why we are stuck with false knowledge ? 
        Finally , choose your food plate wisely !!!
because , 
             " Good food is Medicine & 
              Bad food needs medicine "

Dr. Thangadurai

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Mar 08 2024

Is Osteoarthritis, a metabolic disease ?!

Knee replacement surgery is one of the major surgeries done in most of the tertiary care centers. Osteoarthritis is classically referred to as the degenerative changes because of wear & tear. But is it really so? OA knee seen in the elderly is increasingly affecting even the middle aged nowadays, tells you a different story. Obesity, together with aging and injury, is among the main risk factors for osteoarthritis. Obesity-related osteoarthritis can affect not only the weight-bearing joints, but also the hands, suggesting a role for circulating mediators released by the adipose tissue and known as adipokines. Thus, osteoarthritis may have a systemic metabolic component. Evidence from both epidemiological and biological studies support the concept of metabolic osteoarthritis, defined as a broad clinical phenotype that includes obesity-related osteoarthritis. Thus, osteoarthritis can be related to metabolic syndrome or to an accumulation of metabolic abnormalities. In addition, studies have demonstrated associations linking osteoarthritis to several components of the metabolic syndrome, such as hypertension and type 2 diabetes, independently from obesity or any of the other known risk factors for osteoarthritis. Both in vitro and in vitro findings indicate a deleterious effect of lipid and glucose abnormalities on cartilage homeostasis. Chronic low-grade inflammation is a feature shared by osteoarthritis and metabolic disorders and may contribute to the genesis of both. Thus, osteoarthritis is emerging as a disease that has a variety of phenotypes including a metabolic phenotype as the predominant variety, in addition to the age-related and injury-related phenotypes.


What really happens in Osteoarthritis?

In OA, the joint space is decreased due to damaged cartilage and bone spurs. The evolution of the Osteoarthritis disease process is characterized by cartilage degradation at least in part by proteolytic breakdown of macromolecules, in which MMPs play an important role. Further, fibrillation and erosion of the cartilage surface result in the release of molecular breakdown products into the synovial fluid. The phagocytosis of cartilage matrix breakdown products and other materials induces an inflammatory reaction in the synovial membrane, thereby resulting in local synthesis of proteases and proinflammatory cytokines. 

We all know that the modern diseases of civilization have been rampant in the last 40-50 years; so is the prevalence of OA. Can there be any correlation between these two? Interestingly the answer is a huge yes when we know the roots of the disease !! Most of the cardiometabolic disorders are rooted in Insulin Resistance. Careful evaluation of OA roots in insulin resistance!!! But it is hard to believe…


How come degenerative joint disorders can be a metabolic problem? 

Let's dive deeper into the science of understanding the pathogenesis of OA. In the past, OA was viewed as a degenerative condition occurring in old age because of the wear and tear phenomenon. Recent scientific researches challenge this hypothesis and favour the inflammation associated with insulin resistance as the major causative factor in OA. Some proponents favour that it is a combination of mechanistic and inflammatory disorder associated with insulin resistance. Increased joint loading, adipose tissue inflammation and atherogenic dyslipidemia act synergistically to induce tissue damage in OA. Synovial Macrophage activation and the resulting inflammation links the Obesity with OA. In diabetes, synovial insulin resistance causes reduced anti-inflammatory and anti-catabolic effects of insulin.

Knockdown of lysine (K)-specific demethylases (KDMs) has an impact on ...

Hepatic Insulin resistance is associated with increased production of MMPs ( Matrix Metalloproteinases)  ie., dissolve the extracellular matrix laid down by the bone forming cells called osteoblasts. Although normally MMPs are secreted constitutively from the liver in smaller amounts for homeostasis, their secretion is increased several times when someone suffers from insulin resistance. Other mediators in insulin resistance impacting joints are chronic low grade inflammation, proinflammatory cytokines like IL-6 and TNF-alpha. Now comes the question; are we treating it right ? 

The various treatments which are widely available are NSAIDS to relieve pain ( actually it can destroy the joints on long term use). Calcium supplements and vit D normally considered to increase bone strength actually may increase the atherosclerotic burden !!!


Fantastic Five for Bone health:

1.Protein forms the backbone or the matrix, in which deposition of minerals like magnesium, calcium occurs. Hence protein rich foods are very much needed for healthier bones.

2. Vit D increases the absorption of calcium by several folds and hence calcium supplementation is usually not necessary for bone health.

3. Without Vit K2, the calcium absorbed is largely misdirected towards soft tissues and even arteries throughout the body increasing the atherosclerotic burden. Hence it is utmost essential to prescribe vit K2 whenever vit D3 is suggested to guide the absorbed calcium towards the bones. Vit K2 deposits calcium in the bones and takes away the calcium deposition from the arteries.

4. Magnesium supplementation mitigates chondrocyte apoptosis and facilitates chondrocyte proliferation and differentiation. Synergistic effect of Magnesium and probiotics in modulating the inflammatory milieu could help in the prevention and treatment of OA.

5. Vit C acts a cofactor in the hydroxylases which converts proline to hydroxy proline; Proline, hydroxyproline and Glycine form the basic structural components of collagen and its long-term deficiency causes impaired collagen synthesis and scurvy. Hence it is essential to supplement vit C for optimizing collagen synthesis.


Is a knee replacement a fake knee?

An artificial knee joint has metal caps for the thigh bone and shine bone, and high-density plastic to replace damaged cartilage. Each of these artificial parts is called a prosthesis. Knee replacements surgery replaces parts of injured or worn-out knee joints. The surgery can help ease pain and make the knee work better. Recent research studies found that about a third of total knee replacements in the United States are inappropriate. The numbers could be considerably far higher in our country.


When is knee replacement advisable?

If a person is severely affected by osteoarthritis with poor quality of life impacting everyday activities, causing them patient to stay in the house more and avoiding outdoor activities. People who need knee replacement surgery usually have problems walking, climbing stairs and getting up out of chairs.However, the most common reason for knee replacement surgery is to ease pain caused by arthritis. Fortunately, in our holistic approach pain gets settled in a few weeks in most of the patients with OA by reversing insulin resistance with a micronutrient rich, anti-inflammatory diet and protocols. As a general rule, it avoids unnecessary surgical intervention.

knee replacement surgeries can be considered only if it is resistant to optimal conservative management.

Possible complications of a knee replacement 

Although Knee replacements are common and relatively safer procedures nowadays, the risk of having complications depends on your age and general health.

1. Blood clots or DVT (Deep Vein Thrombosis) and sometimes serious complications like pulmonary embolism.

2. Wound infections are less common, and they are treated with antibiotics but sometimes may require further surgeries. 

3. Damage to nerves or tissues.

4. Problems with your new knee may be in bending the knee, ongoing pain and stiffness and instability which improve with physiotherapy and certain exercises.

5. Per-operative and postoperative anesthetic and drug adverse reactions.


What are the treatment options available?

Pain relief, improved joint function and joint stability are the main goals of treatment. The muscle weakness and muscle atrophy contribute to the disease process. So, rehabilitation and physiotherapy were often prescribed with the intention to alleviate pain and increase mobility. However, as exercise has to be performed on a regular basis in order to counteract muscle atrophy, continuous exercise programs are recommended in people with degenerative joint disease. Therapeutic exercise regimes either focus on muscle strengthening and stretching exercises or on aerobic activity which can be water based. Surgery should be reserved for those that have not responded appropriately to less invasive methods.


Holistic approach for optimizing Bone Health

1.Maintaining Insulin sensitivity throughout your life.

2.Ensure your diet contains quality proteins in adequate amounts. Unfortunately, Indian subpopulation tend to have a deficit of 30-40% in their daily intake of proteins. People over 60 years actually require 1.5 times the normal protein requirement which is not met in most of the cases.

3.Micronutrient rich diet (vitamins, mineral, antioxidants, polyphenols)

4.Regular physical activity & exercise."Use it or else you lose it" (Bone is a dynamic structure - improving muscle mass and strength improve bone density and quality).

5.Ensure the TDS of drinking water in the optimal range of 200-300 (RO water with TDS less than 50 in most cases have the potential to leach out the minerals in the bones over a period of time).


"Preserve your joints before it is too late".


Dr.R.R.Thangadurai M.S,

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